These days, there are a lot of streaming services, and users want to find which service provides specific movies or TV
shows that they want to watch.
It provides a list of streaming services when users pick a film. Also, the users can check not only the list but also
the lowest price on the list.
The client has already serviced their IP-TV service, called B TV (in Korea). To reduce the cost and time to produce
PlayZ, they requested maintaining most existing features and UX/UI.
The big difference between the services was the remote controller, that B-TV has number keys for changing TV channels,
whereas PlayZ has number-keyless.
Therefore, we had to convert B-TV’s UX/UI to be suitable for the tenkeyless device.
On the main screen of the service, it displays the lists of movies and tv shows. The users browse the lists with a remote controller by moving a focus on blocks, which are posters of contents.
To minimise the steps of selecting a movie, it shows the list of streaming services when it is focused. This is because if the list is always on the poster, it makes the user recognise what the film is. Also, the purpose of focusing is that users want to watch and check the focused movie, so it is reasonable to show its list when it is focused.
When the users select a movie, it changes the screen to a synopsis screen, which includes detailed information about the content. Compared to its reference service(SK B TV), it shows the list of streaming services that users can watch the selected movie, and it shows from the cheapest service to the most expensive one.
However, there is an exception to the rule. Regardless of its price, it always shows PlayZ’s price to lead the users to choose its service first.
PlayZ’s system and UI are based on B TV. But, the remote controller is different from the existing one. We had to change
it to fit the number-keyless controller. Therefore, the service shows a keypad on the screen when it requires to input
texts or numbers.
For example, it demands input password numbers when the users try to watch adult-grade videos. B TV’s controller has
numeric keys, but PlayZ’s does not. So, it shows a numeric keypad on the screen to select the numbers by the cross
direct keys.
SK Broadband, one of the biggest internet broadband providers, caught the requirements of the Korean streaming services
for the users who are 18~45 age group of streaming service customers. The users want to see all the streaming services on one service and compare their prices.
To tackle the need, they release PlayZ in The Korean market, and as a UX strategist and designer, I designed overall UX/UI
that met their requirements.
The detailed information on PlayZ is linked below: